PIE Schools Banner

Welcome to PIE Schools!

People Involved in Education, Inc.

Sand Ridge and Sweet Home Charter Schools

Operated by PIE (People Involved in Education, Inc.), a non-profit corporation.


Welcome to our Schools!

In-person / On campus / Full-time

Job Opportunities

K-8 Teachers and Assistants, Music Teacher, IT / Tech Support, Substitutes and other various positions
Employment Application form

Sand Ridge Charter School (KG - 8th)

-School of Choice
-Free public school option with an advanced curriculum, small class sizes, and a teacher and assistant in every classroom.
-We will be accepting applications and invite families, regardless of school district to come see what we are all about and fill out an application. All applicants will be entered in a lottery and notified upon acceptance.
-Sand Ridge Charter school is required to fill open spots with a lottery process.
-We will be doing the lottery to fill open spots for all grades for the next school year in May each year. Please be sure to turn in your student's registration form by April 30th so they can be included in the first round of the lottery. We still accept registration forms after this date for any future lotteries we may have as spots open up.
Call with any questions 541-258-5550.


Sweet Home Charter School (KG - 6th)

-School of Choice
-Free public school option with an advanced curriculum, small class sizes, and a teacher and assistant in every classroom.
-We will be accepting applications and invite families, regardless of school district to come see what we are all about and fill out an application. All applicants will be entered in a lottery and notified upon acceptance.
-Sweet Home Charter school is required to fill open spots with a lottery process.
-We will be doing the lottery to fill open spots for all grades for the next school year in May each year. Please be sure to turn in your student's registration form by April 30th so they can be included in the first round of the lottery. We still accept registration forms after this date for any future lotteries we may have as spots open up.
Call with any questions 541-367-1833.

All parents! Please fill out Community Engagement Survey on Remind or CLICK HERE

See Sand Ridge rankings on U.S. News.com - CLICK HERE!

See Sweet Home rankings on U.S. News.com - CLICK HERE!

Sickness Shortcut - CLICK HERE!

PIE Charter Schools is dedicated to maintaining free public school options by continuing to offer advanced curriculum, small class sizes, and a teacher and assistant in every classroom.

Interested in applying? Complete and return one of the applications below (For students not yet enrolled)
Sand Ridge Registration Form - SRCS 2024-25
Sweet Home Registration Form - SHCS 2024-25
PIE South Main PreSchool Registration Form - S Main PreSch 2024-25
PIE Sweet Home PreSchool Registration Form - Sw Hm PreSch 2024-25

-All students, regardless of their home school district, are invited to fill out an application. All applicants will be entered into a lottery and notified of acceptance.

Communicable Disease Plan For School Year 2023-24
-Communicable Disease Plan- PIE Charter Schools - Aug. 2023 (Sickness Policy)

The Student Success Act, when fully implemented, is expected to invest approximately $2.35 billion in Oregon education every two years; that’s over $1 billion investment in early learning and K-12 education each year. Of those funds, approximately $700 million goes into the State School Fund and the remaining is distributed into three accounts: the Early Learning Account, the Student Investment Account and the Statewide Education Initiatives Account.
SHCS Aligned Programs Integrated Application
SHCS SIA Grant Agreement
Sweet Home SIA Grant Amendment No. 1
SHCS EIIS Amendment No. 1

SHCS Aligned Programs Integrated Application The American Rescue Plan Act, 2021 (ARP Act or ARPA) provides an additional $122 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund III (ESSER III or ARP ESSER). $1.1 billion will be awarded to Oregon. ESSER III Grants will be awarded to LEAs in the proportion they received funds under Part A of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) in fiscal year 2020. ESSER III Fund grants can be used to reimburse eligible expenses incurred between March 13, 2020 and September 30, 2024.
Sand Ridge ESSER III – Outcomes, Strategies and Activities
Sweet Home ESSER III – Outcomes, Strategies and Activities

Registration Information
Required Registration Documents:
Registration documents are being made available online this year. Neglecting to complete the required documents will jeopardize your child’s placement may result in forfeiting enrollment. As part of the annual school registration process, please print, complete, and return the applicable forms by the end of the first week of school (September 9th, 2022).

-Family Enrollment Agreement (click here): This document must be signed by both students and their parent(s)/guardian(s). A document must be signed for each child enrolled in order to indicate agreement to abide by and support school policies and procedures.

-Registration Confirmation: To confirm your child’s registration, complete the Registration Confirmation form which was sent via email. Please contact the office if you did not receive the link and/or to confirm or decline enrollment.

-Don't forget to Pay your child's Registration Fees : Please review the invoice that will be sent home the first week of school for a full list of applicable charges. Payment may be mailed, dropped off in the office or paid via Venmo @PeopleInvolved

-Certificate of Immunization (click here: This document must be completed for all Kindergarten and new students only.

-Google Account Permissions (click here): Complete and return this form for students in Grades 3-8.

-Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medications (click here) : This form is only to be completed for children needing medication to be administered at school. Please bring this completed form in along with the required medication. Medication must be hand delivered to the office by an adult.

-Language Use Survey (English) / Encuesta sobre el uso del idioma (Spanish) : This form is only to be completed for new students and kindergarten.

School Calendar 2024-25 click here

Student/Parent Handbook

Sand Ridge School Supply List
Sweet Home School Supply List

Free and Reduced lunch application (English)

Job Opportunities

Parent Volunteer Background Check Form (doc) (pdf)

Sand Ridge Charter School operates two locations:
Sand Ridge South Main Campus
South Main Campus
(Kindergarten - 2nd Grade)

100 Sand Ridge Ct.
Lebanon, Oregon 97355
Office: (541) 258-5550

Sand Ridge Sodaville Campus
Sodaville Campus
(3rd-8th Grade)

30581 Sodaville-Mountain Home Rd.
Mail: 100 Sand Ridge Ct.
Lebanon, Oregon 97355
Office: (541) 258-2416

Sweet Home Charter School operates at:
Sweet Home Charter School
Liberty Rd. Campus
(Kindergarten - 6th Grade)

28721 Liberty Road
Sweet Home, Oregon 97386
Office: (541) 367-1833

If you see or hear about bullying, violence, drugs, or harm to your school or a student, report a tip using SafeOregon.
Email report to tip@safeoregon.com.
Call or text 844-4-SAFE-OR (844-472-3367) 


All parents! Please fill out Community Engagement Survey on Remind or CLICK HERE


Pollywog Resources for Families is a list of resources available to families living in Linn, Benton and Lincoln counties.

Educational Resources Fun stuff to do and learn at home

Hey!! Try out our new Sand Ridge Apparel and Sweet Home Apparel stores!!!

Job Opportunities

Prearranged Excused Absence form

Parent Medication Signature form

Foster grandparent flyer.pdf

Oregon State Testing Waiver Request , full version
Please send your Feedback to WaiverFeedback@ode.state.or.us (click or copy)
Oregon State Testing Student Assessment & Opt-Out Rights
Oregon State Testing Opt-Out Forms: English , Spanish

School Calendar 2024-25 click here

Copyright © 2024 People Involved in Education, Incorporated